Advantages and Disadvantages of Saffron Tea

Saffron is a sought-after spice that has a long and rich tradition. It’s an essential ingredient in many dishes in Europe, the Middle East, India, and Europe and today, adding its deep red color along with a sweet earthy taste to foods.

Although the exact source of saffron’s origins is unknown, its therapeutic use has been documented throughout history. Cleopatra took a bath in saffron-infused waters to supposedly enhance beauty and aphrodisiac properties, and the Greco-Roman doctors prescribed it to treat a wide range of illnesses, including:

  • UTIs in the tract of your urinary system
  • Stomach problems
  • Wounds
  • Depression

Saffron tea is loaded with minerals, vitamins, as well as antioxidants. It can offer significant health benefits.

Since it is harvested by hand, It is also one of the world’s highest-priced spices. It is common for suppliers to mix it with other ingredients or employ inferior sources to save money. When purchasing saffron tea, make sure you select an established brand to ensure the highest nutritional content of your tea.

Nutrition Information on Saffron

One teaspoon of saffron has the following:

  • Calories: 2
  • Protein: 0.1 grams
  • Fat 0.01 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0.5 grams
  • Fiber 1 gram
  • Sugar Zero grams

Saffron is a great source of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

Saffron can also be a good supply of copper. This mineral assists in the maintenance of the body’s nervous system and aids in the creation of red blood cells and also acts in the role of an antioxidant to protect cells from damage that could cause chronic illness.

Potential Health Benefits of Saffron Tea

Saffron Tea - Esfedan Iranian Saffron

Saffron tea is high in nutrients which scientists continue to research to determine their health benefits. It is for instance, it has the antioxidants crocetin and crocin, which can help improve memory performance. Researchers believe these antioxidants could help combat diseases affecting the brain, such as dementia and Parkinson’s.

There are a myriad of health benefits you can reap from your cup of saffron tea

Depression Relief

Studies conducted by researchers have shown that saffron tea could aid in treating depression-related symptoms in the same way as medications for depression. It is believed to boost the levels of brain serotonin levels. Researchers are investigating this effect to assess its potential as a possible replacement for medications for treating depressive disorders.

Heart Health

Saffron tea can help lower the risk of developing heart disease by enhancing circulation. The antioxidants in it have been proven to reduce both cholesterol and blood pressure, which could lower the risk of developing heart issues. It’s also an excellent source of essential minerals for heart health, such as magnesium and potassium.

Reduces Menstrual Pain

Fluctuating levels of hormones like serotonin cause menstrual discomfort and pain in women. Because saffron tea could increase serotonin levels in women, it has been examined for its potential to alleviate symptoms associated with menstrual cycles.

One study revealed that women who took saffron during their menstrual cycle had 50 percent fewer cramps, bloating, irritation and fatigue than women who didn’t.

Related: Saffron and PMS

Protections Against Cancer

Both crocin as well as crocetin act as antioxidants known as carotenoid plants, which give saffron its luscious red hue. Research has shown that they can be anti-cancer and antitumor within the body. However, further research is required to determine the effects on humans.

However, saffron tea has other antioxidants known to shield your body from cell destruction. This harm can be caused by factors such as aging, environmental factors and lifestyle. It is associated with a variety of chronic illnesses, such as cancer.

Immune System Support

Saffron is one the most abundant sources of Riboflavin, an essential B-vitamin that aids in maintaining an optimum body immune system. It helps fight inflammation within the body, which could lead to chronic illnesses like cancer. Additionally, some studies suggest it can shield your brain against brain-related diseases as well as migraines.

Safranal is also present in Saffron tea, an antioxidant that can enhance the antibacterial and antiviral activities within your body. Safranal is also believed to enhance sleep quality and promotes healthy immunity and overall health.

Potential dangers associated with Saffron Tea

Saffron is thought to be as safe for most people and is an essential ingredient in many food items. Drinking tea containing saffron in massive quantities can be dangerous; however, speak to your doctor prior to adding saffron-based tea to your diet. Also, consider the following health hazards:


People who have an allergy to olives could also suffer from a saffron-related allergy.

Pregnancy Concerns

Certain studies have revealed that saffron could trigger the contractions of the uterus and is recommended to be avoided by pregnant women.

Heart Diseases

Saffron consumption can alter your heart rate. Although research on the subject isn’t conclusive, it can cause a worsening of symptoms for patients with heart issues.

High Blood Pressure

Because saffron may lower your blood pressure, you’re best to stay clear of drinking saffron tea when you have already been diagnosed with low blood pressure.

Medication Interference

Avoid drinking saffron tea when you are taking medication to lower your blood pressure because it could result in your blood pressure falling to levels that are too low. Saffron can also cause the development of a Manic-like state in people taking medications to treat bipolar disorder.